Sep 30, 2015

The joys of dual hd displays when working with a laptop!

If you want to add an extra screen, Go for big screens! 

Do you work on a laptop? Have you ever tried doing your work on a big screen? If the answer is no, then you’ve been missing on something really amazing.

Hi! my name is Jad and I am a programmer and until recently I used to do all my coding on my laptop which has a 15.6” screen. And I got so used to it that I never considered even the possibility of using a monitor as a second screen for my laptop, until recently when I did an internship at a software company, in which they gave me a 24” monitor that I connected to my laptop with an HDMI cable and the results were amazing. Everything was large and easy to read, and I could use my laptop screen to google bugs and stuff, or browse the documentation. My coding experience was never so relaxing and comfortable.

So if you don’t have a monitor at your workplace, I would highly recommend you trying to get one, there are some cheap monitors that have an HD resolution, and my personal favorites are either 24” screens or 27” screens, because any other size is either too small or too big, but the final choice is up to you, the important thing is that you get a monitor that is compatible with your laptop, so you need to check:
  • If your laptop has a VGA input or HDMI output or both, and make sure that the monitor has the same inputs.
  • If your graphics card can handle dual displays, most of the recent ones do, but if you don’t think yours can, you can always disable your laptop display and enjoy the larger display of your extra monitor.

I hope this post convinced you, if so here are some of my favorite ones: [if nothing appears please disable adblock :)]

for other 24" screens you can go here and for 27" screens you can go here

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